Getting Competent is dedicated to the advancement and improvement of high-quality vocational education and training wherever it exists and wherever it is needed.
We are looking forward to the trainings and to adding 35 new Workplaces Instructors to Kosovo’s word processing industry. We believe in the potential Kosovo has, we are eager to aiding in the proper education and skilling of students all over the country.
The Getting Competent Association and the USAID #KosovoCompete Activity are partnering to improve vocational education in Kosovo!
The activity is expected to improve students’ employability and facilitate their transition into the labor market within the wood processing sector. This will be achieved through Workplace Instructor Training, which is part of the Work-Based Learning (WBL) pilot project initiated by the Ministria e Arsimit, Shkencës, Teknologjisë dhe Inovacionit in Kosovo.