about us

Getting Competent is an association and network of vocational trainers, vocational educators, vocational skills training organizations, business and industrial firms, and other individuals and groups interested or involved in vocational education and training. Getting Competent is dedicated to the advancement and improvement of high-quality vocational education and training wherever it exists and wherever it is needed. Getting Competent is working to create a new era in communication among vocational educators. Members include practitioners, researchers and students in the field of vocational education and training as well as institutions, organizations and companies actively engaged in human resource development.

Getting Competent is working to create a new era in communication among vocationaleducators. Members include practitioners, researchers, and students in the field of vocationaleducation and training as well as institutions, organizations, and companies actively engaged inhuman resource development.

Getting Competent membership provides a network of contacts in vocational education andtraining eager to learn about the ideas, programs, techniques, and products that you have developed and to share their own ideas and products with you as well.

What was the driving force to start an association?
The Getting Competent Association is committed to sensitizing all actors involved in the VET field to the importance of developing competitive skills. This will be done through various forms of cooperation with companies, schools, in order to support the organization of qualification, Instructor in the workplace and Teachers. Networking and cooperation will involve local andinternational institutions with similar areas of activity.

Why do you see Getting Competent as a reliable association?
The mission of the Getting Competent Association is to increase the employability of young people, increase the productivity and competitiveness of companies through the development of employees’ skills by providing training programs.

The Getting Competent Association is committed to ensuring the provision of high quality, effective and economically viable training through staff training and development. And supports companies in adhering to professional standards by supporting and advocating for quality assurance in all processes.

The staff of the association is committed to:

  • show professionalism, attitudes and spirit of cooperation to meet the needs of candidates
  • make continuous improvement of qualifications and processes through continuous research